2003 Oct 7

Translated from Boden's Swedish article, with the help of online translators (and a tip of the hat to whoever invented those things):

Burpo Nest Husband on Sample

Player trial am continuing emerge on Björknäsvallen a behind a. Last in rank of player trial is goalguarder Present Burpo as am arriving from the numeric familiar club Seattle Sounders in USAs after supreme series.
- Midst contract with Seattle had gone out, so self am glancing on one couple various alternative and Kiosk is wholly clearly one of them, says Burpo as spoke with Leighton O'Brien if club and gotten accepts testimonial.

Present Burpo shall Kiosk behind a abortive season in Seattle there he was breaking jaw in series opening night.
- All knew good behind for season, but 15 minutes into first matches on season was crashing self with a of our defenses and opponent assault. The heal cease with that self was breaking jaw and stayed down two month. Sedan took the further any weekly that come in form, says Present.

Wonder this terms was getting reserve goalguarder Rich Cullen chance in goal and that he taken the is welfare the least husband able say. Cullen stayed ordinary goalguard in Seattle and prominent also to league best goalguard, defiance that Present Burpo in several year entrance wherein Seattle first goalguard.

The 190 cm tall and 93 kg heavies Burpo had spend major component of its career as senior in Seattle, but he has also tested on game in Jamaican Harborview and New Hampshire Phantoms in they lower American divisions. He tell herself that he is a right serene goalguard as utilises its length in airspace.

Wonder two weekly the time has come now American Burpo chance that overawe enough on BBK- cord for that poll one contract with club.